Mit zu den spannendsten Dingen in meinem Job zählt es einfach, nur die Augen offen zu halten. Beobachten was andere Menschen so tun und lassen. Wie sie das machen und ob sie das allein anders machen als in einem Grüppchen. Mitunter führt das aber bei mir auch immer wieder einfach nur zu unverständlichem Kopfschütteln. #UndfürmeinungebrochenesUnverständnisgegenüberderWelt.… Konsumverhalten. Nein eigentlich eher Kaufverhalten. – eine Beobachtung. weiterlesen
Kategorie: Opinion
Let’s talk about Threads
With Elon renaming Twitter to X and slowly killing the bird and threads having been launched a few weeks ago, we thought it was about time to have a quick wrap-up of what we have seen and what might happen next. 1 . Introducing Threads: The New Kid on the Block Instagram has released a… Let’s talk about Threads weiterlesen
Vision Development & Change Management – or Why the German Ampel Coalition Fails
Developing a Vision: The Cornerstone of Change In the grand tapestry of governance and leadership, the thread that binds all elements together is the vision. A vision is not just a lofty ideal or a distant dream; it is a tangible, actionable roadmap that guides every decision, every action, and every initiative. It is the… Vision Development & Change Management – or Why the German Ampel Coalition Fails weiterlesen
The AI Act: Navigating the Final Frontier
It’s been a moment since our last update on AI regulation. And as Artificial Intelligence is the starship boldly going where no one has gone before the European Union has emerged as our Starfleet, guiding us through the nebula of uncertainty with the AI Act proposal. The AI Act is not just a proposal, it’s… The AI Act: Navigating the Final Frontier weiterlesen
Consumer Behavior and AI.
Recently when we were talking about AI and what was about to happen in the immediate future, I brought up the polarizing point that I think google was going to have a massive problem. We were arguing about it and I had to make a point on why I would call one of the biggest… Consumer Behavior and AI. weiterlesen
Should I stay or should I go?
If I go there will be trouble – and if I stay it will be double. So you’ve got to let me know… In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of sticking with something for a long time has become increasingly rare. We’re encouraged to seek novelty, constantly explore new experiences and take on new… Should I stay or should I go? weiterlesen
Braindump June ’22 – Burnout oder Imposter?
Übers Scheitern. Anspruch. Umfallen. Aufstehen. Zerbrechen. Verzweifeln und das einfach weiter machen. Über Kind und Kegel. Job und Familie. Mental Load und eine wundervoll verlockende Melange aus Burnout und Imposter Syndrom. Gestern war es Mal wieder so weit. Ich war am Ende. Körperlich? Gedanklich? Keine Ahnung. Auf jeden Fall Krämpfe im Unterleib. Woher kommt… Braindump June ’22 – Burnout oder Imposter? weiterlesen
The next big thing is here Clubhouse – and just like the man who might have invented fire and is pitching it to his fellows, we don’t know much about it yet. If you didn’t hear about it. Don’t worry we are in the really early adopter trendsetter phase and you have every right to… Clubhouse weiterlesen