Should I stay or should I go?

If I go there will be trouble – and if I stay it will be double.

So you’ve got to let me know…


In today’s fast-paced world, the concept of sticking with something for a long time has become increasingly rare. We’re encouraged to seek novelty, constantly explore new experiences and take on new challenges. While there are certainly advantages to this approach, there are also benefits to staying the course and committing to something for the long haul.

There are many examples of people who have achieved incredible success by sticking with something over the long term. Athletes who train tirelessly for years to achieve their goals, entrepreneurs who work for years to build successful businesses, and writers who spend years perfecting their craft are just a few examples. These individuals demonstrate that there is value in staying the course, even when it’s difficult.


“We’re all hostages to what we love. The only way to truly be free is to love nothing. And how meaningless would that be?“


And I am pretty sure this counts for a lot of things. For work, for love, for your life. Sometimes and especially in the first stumbling steps of a startup or when starting a new workout routine, we have to stay in it. Don’t give up. WE HAVE to prevail, to endure to run the marathon if we want to be successful.

Does this also count for personal relationships? If we broke contact with everyone after an argument, we’d probably be pretty lonely very fast. Is it not also a sign that we care if something hurts? That we are engaged? And are friendships and relationships not also getting deeper and better every time we overcome obstacles?


On the other hand, there are times when sticking with something can be damaging.. When we stick with something that is no longer serving us or causing us harm, we risk burnout. Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress, and it’s a common problem for people who feel stuck in their lives. When we feel trapped in a situation that no longer brings us joy or fulfillment, it’s easy to become burnt out and lose motivation.

One of the keys to avoiding burnout is to know when it’s time to let go. If you’re feeling stuck in your job or your personal life, take some time to reflect on what’s causing that feeling. Is it a lack of growth or progress? Are you no longer passionate about what you’re doing? Once you’ve identified the source of the problem, it’s time to take action.


“Change always comes later than we think it should.”


One option is to try to make changes within the situation you’re in. Maybe you can take on new challenges at work, or find a new hobby to pursue outside of work. Another option is to consider making a change altogether. This might mean quitting your job or ending a relationship that is no longer fulfilling.

The problem very often is that people expect change to come to them – but this usually doesn’t work. If you want to change something – you have to be the one doing it. You have to be the one making this hard decision. But after that, I can guarantee you that it will be getting better. Not from one minute to the other. You might even regret it in the beginning. Beg for reconciliation. But don’t – After you made your decision it’s once again time to stick with it.*


There are pros and cons to both approaches, and the best choice will depend on your specific situation. Staying the course and committing to something over the long term can be incredibly rewarding, but it’s important to be mindful of when it’s time to let go. By staying aware of your own needs and goals, you can avoid burnout and continue to grow and thrive.


In conclusion, the decision to stick with something for the long term is a complex one that requires careful consideration. While there are certainly advantages to sticking with something, there are also risks associated with staying in a situation that is no longer serving you. By staying attuned to your own needs and goals, you can make the best decision for yourself and avoid burnout. Whether you decide to stay the course or make a change, remember that it’s never too late to start over and pursue a life that brings you joy and fulfillment.


The important question that I ask myself repeatedly during the last six months is – not so much the “if – change is necessary” but the „when“?


When it comes to making changes in our lives, timing is everything. Rushing into a major change without careful consideration can be just as damaging as sticking with something that no longer serves us. Finding the right time for change is a critical part of the process.


One of the key factors to consider when determining the right time for change is your level of readiness. Change can be scary, and it’s important to be emotionally and mentally prepared before making any major shifts in your life. Are you truly ready to leave your job or end a relationship? If not, what steps can you take to become more prepared?


Another important factor to consider is external circumstances. Are there any external factors that could impact your decision to make a change? For example, if you’re considering leaving your job, are there any major projects you need to finish or deadlines you need to meet first? If you’re considering ending a relationship, are there any major life events coming up that might make the timing less than ideal?


It’s also important to consider your own goals and priorities. What do you want to achieve in the short term and long term? How does the change you’re considering fit into those goals and priorities? Will making this change help you achieve your goals or take you further away from them?

And don’t forget to consider the potential consequences of the change you’re considering. Will the change be irreversible, or can you reverse course if things don’t work out? How will the change impact the people around you, and are you prepared to deal with those consequences?


From my personal experience. I can only say: “Get ready now. Don’t overthink it. The sooner the better! – and if you cannot help but ask yourself how to discover this when… – listen to your body.

„What happens when life breaks down
When there is systemic contradiction?“

Stress can be a real bitch in this case…


Why am I writing about this topic today? Well – about the body part. I’ve starting loosing my beard three years ago – and when it didn’t stop there I even had two big holes of lost hair on my scalp.

So I had to change something – and today I can say that it ended with changing everything.


New occupation – and one that I love not one that was more or less a necessity. (Even though I always liked what I was doing and I also didn’t leave the industry to become a farmer or something like that)


New surroundings – For the moment I’ve left the city. Not because I didn’t love it and I will probably come back, but I needed a hard cut. And I am really enjoying the countryside.


The last one was the hardest one.

Changed relationship – Nothing new though – just ended something that was long overdue and draining a lot of my energy and all of my motivation… but it’s an ongoing long one with kids and investments and everything. Time will show how this turns out.


I’ve always been a big fan of Star Trek and the beautiful 2nd season-ending of Picard had something that I think is very suitable for my thoughts above:


“We often refer to space as the final frontier. But the older I get, the more I’ve come to believe that the true final frontier is time. In command, as in life, what we do in crisis often weighs upon us less heavily than what we wish we had done. What could have been? Time offers many opportunities but it rarely offers second chances.

There are moments in our lives we fear to relive and others we long to repeat. While time cannot give us second chances, maybe people can.”


For me, it was hard to make these changes and to see that there was a way forward after changing everything.


But there is and I am feeling as good as I haven’t in a long time.
And it’s all fear that kept me from doing it. Fear of something new. Fear of being unable to deliver on my obligations. Fear of losing – of failing.

However, in the end, it all comes down to changing or disappearing. Pretty much like an evolutionary process.

So – change.

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