Fast Fashion, Hyper Fashion, Future Fashion.  

Fashion oh my darling. Als ob‘s gestern war, erinnere ich mich noch an Headlines zu Primark und Fast Fashion. Nachdem zunächst Zara H&M den Rang abgelaufen hatte, S’Oliver längst Geschichte ist und wir alle unser Ball-Outfit in Puppengröße über Temu bestellt haben, denke ich es ist Zeit wirklich einmal vor Glück oder Frust in den… Fast Fashion, Hyper Fashion, Future Fashion.   weiterlesen

Die Rolle von KI in der Transformation von vereinnahmenden Erlebnissen

KI revolutioniert immersive Erlebnisse mit einer Dynamik und einem Flair, die die Landschaft neu gestalten. Hier sind einige der wichtigsten Wege, wie KI Interaktionen in verschiedenen Bereichen transformiert und personalisiert. Personalisierte und adaptive Inhalte Stellen Sie sich vor: KI durchforstet riesige Mengen an Benutzerdaten und analysiert das Verhalten in Echtzeit. Wie ein Maestro, der eine… Die Rolle von KI in der Transformation von vereinnahmenden Erlebnissen weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in State of AI, UX

Google will be back! ? Maybe. Key Revelations and Updates from Google, Apple, and Microsoft

2024 has already marked itself as a transformative year with major tech giants unveiling groundbreaking advancements at their respective conferences. From Google’s revolutionary Gemini model enhancements to Apple’s integration of AI in iOS 17 and Microsoft’s new AI devices and features, the pace of innovation is nothing short of exhilarating. Here, we dive into the… Google will be back! ? Maybe. Key Revelations and Updates from Google, Apple, and Microsoft weiterlesen

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Kategorisiert in State of AI

Gemini an AI and PR desaster

A few months ago, I penned an article discussing Google’s apparent unease in the face of OpenAI’s rapid advancements. Today, I find myself revisiting this narrative, albeit under a different, somewhat more concerning light. Google’s recent foray into the AI domain with its Gemini model has sparked a flurry of discussions, criticisms, and, frankly, a… Gemini an AI and PR desaster weiterlesen

Dancing with Titans: Bracing for the Age of Ultra-Powerful AI

In the annals of human history, few inventions have promised as much transformative power as artificial intelligence. From the steam engine to the internet, each epochal innovation has reshaped society in profound ways. But AI, particularly the looming advent of hyper-intelligent AI, stands poised to eclipse them all. As we stand on the precipice of… Dancing with Titans: Bracing for the Age of Ultra-Powerful AI weiterlesen

New Rules

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of AI Policy Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a game-changer, revolutionizing industries and reshaping our everyday lives. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and the need for comprehensive AI policy has never been more critical. As we stand on the brink of this new frontier, let’s see what happened… New Rules weiterlesen

The Great AI Odyssey: Europe’s Vanguard Role and Its Global Echo

In the grand theatre of the modern world, artificial intelligence (AI) is the dazzling protagonist, commanding the spotlight with its transformative power. Like a cosmic force, AI is reshaping the contours of our economies, rewriting the script of our labor markets, and catapulting us towards uncharted territories of knowledge and productivity. Yet, this meteoric rise… The Great AI Odyssey: Europe’s Vanguard Role and Its Global Echo weiterlesen

The Dawn of Personalized Marketing: Harnessing the Power of 1:1 Communication and AI

In the bustling marketplace of the digital age, the clamor for attention is deafening. Amidst this cacophony, a new paradigm is emerging, one that promises to cut through the noise and deliver a message that resonates with the individual listener. This is the world of 1:1 marketing, a realm where personalization reigns supreme and every… The Dawn of Personalized Marketing: Harnessing the Power of 1:1 Communication and AI weiterlesen

Feeding a Growing Global Population: A Challenge for Agriculture

As the world’s population continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, the challenge of ensuring food security for all becomes increasingly critical. By 2050, it is projected that our planet will be home to over 9.7 billion people, necessitating not only a change in our current diets but also a significant increase in agricultural productivity… Feeding a Growing Global Population: A Challenge for Agriculture weiterlesen

The New Era of Personal TrAIning

5In a world where gym memberships are as common as Netflix subscriptions, the role of personal trainers has been undeniably significant. They guide, motivate, and tailor exercise routines to align with our fitness goals. But as our lives become more digitally oriented, Artificial Intelligence is stepping into this role, proving to be a game-changer in… The New Era of Personal TrAIning weiterlesen